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Meet Julia

My Vision

I want to help as many people as I can achieve their goals by living healthy and free! I have a past of orthorexia: an eating disorder focused only on eating healthy along with obsessive exercise. I used to be stuck in a cycle of eating WAY too little, working out 3 times a day, missing out on fun events with my family and friends, and severely ruining my internal health. My vision is to help women overcome societal rules about restrictive eating, being extremely thin, doing excessive exercise, and allow them to live a sustainable and healthy life long-term. Free of all food rules, gaining strength, and gaining confidence.


Certified Personal Trainer 
and Lifestyle Coach

I am passionate about building healthy lifestyles that are sustainable and enjoyable! I hope to inspire and change peoples' lives for the better. Teaching you how to love food and your body along the way! Not only will I help you achieve your dream body, but your mindset as well!

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